Man goes above and beyond to help Oklahoma homeless in need

Pay It 4ward
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OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) – Danny Carlisle and his wife Misha are out on a cold morning serving homeless people in downtown Oklahoma City.

It’s a hands-on ministry that is in effect several days a week.

“Yeah, it’s a little chilly. At least the wind is not too bad,” says Carlisle.

Back at Integris, his work family was getting ready for a big surprise after Rhonda Hamlin nominated Carlisle for KFOR’s Pay it 4ward.

“Danny is an IT employee and has just gone above and beyond for the homeless community in Oklahoma City. He goes down at least three days a week, sometimes buys things out of his own pocket,” says Hamlin.

KFOR was there for the gift exchange.

“I’ve heard that this is such a remarkable story and on behalf of First Fidelity Bank, we are honored to give Danny the $400 to Pay it 4ward. Congratulations Danny,” said Michelle Jenson, with First Fidelity Bank.

“Thank you so much. This will mean the world to him and bless him and the people he ministers to. Thank you so much,” says Hamlin.

Everyone waits Carlisle is brought into what he thinks is a business meeting.

“Danny, on behalf of all your IT family, we are just so thankful for what you do and for the example that you provide to us. And we just want to come beside you and support you in what you are doing so, I dropped all the money,  but we have $400 from Channel 4 and First Fidelity Bank that we would like to Pay it 4ward,” says Hamlin.

Carlisle’s mission is as simple as it is important.

“Oh, just being able to help someone. They have so little and they need so much and just being able to provide some hope for them is really the main thing,” says Carlisle.

Carlisle’s coworkers decided to double the award to $800 and use it to fill 50 totes with all kinds of supplies.

“That’s why I told you to clean out your truck!” says Misha to laughter.

Danny is blown away by the generosity at his office.

“It’s amazing. They have been helpful over the past couple of years. This is way beyond,” he said.

As everyone loaded up the supplies to take downtown, Misha summed it all up.

“If God puts a need in front of you for you to meet that need, and so when he saw that need, he wanted to meet it. He also took out our kids to show our kids that are people out there that need help,” she said.

Danny takes supplies to the homeless people lucky enough to have a tent on this cold day. For others, Danny and Misha bring the warmth to shivering hands.

“There are four blankets in this bag, so maybe that will help you guys a little,” he said.

Proverbs says “Whoever oppresses a poor man insults his maker but he who is generous to the needy honors him.” 

Danny and Misha Carlisle are paying it 4ward in the purest way. 

For more information on Carlisle’s ministry, visit their Facebook page.

Pay It 4ward is sponsored by First Fidelity Bank.

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