Bridge Creek woman shines a bright light in the lives of children

Pay It 4ward

BRIDGE CREEK, Okla. (KFOR) – There are unsung heroes in every walk of life, quietly making a difference in the lives of others.

Even on a cloudy day at Bridge Creek Schools, there is a shining light that gets these youngsters off to a great start every morning. That shining light is Paula McClane, simply known as Ms. Paula.

And that’s why Kaylee Kuykendall, the assistant principal at Bridge Creek Early Learning Center, nominated Ms. Paula for our Pay it 4ward Award.

We would like to first thank Kaylee for nominating Paula. We think what she is doing is outstanding. She takes the time to get to know these children. As they come through the lunch line, she takes their cards and calls them by name.

The kids are very happy to see her every day, and we think that is amazing, and we want to continue to encourage acts like this, so we presented Kaylee with $400 to pay it forward to Ms. Paula.

Kaylee and News 4’s Kent Ogle traveled to Bridge Creek Early Learning Center to surprise Ms. Paula in front of all the kids whose lives she makes a difference in.

“Ms. Paula, I’m Kent from Channel 4. We have a little program at Channel 4 called Pay it 4ward. You have been nominated for this by Kaylee, and I’m going to let her tell you why she nominated you,” Kent said.

“Paula, I nominated you for Pay it 4ward just for investing in our children every day through your love compassion, and just the desire to get to know them every day. I love how you greet them by name. Every day they are excited to see you. You are excited to them, and so on behalf of KFOR and First Fidelity Bank, I would like to present you with $400 dollars. Thank you, thank you,” Kaylee said.

Ms. Paula was deeply moved by the honor.

“I love these kids. You’re welcome,” she said.

Ms. Paula said the children inspire her to keep paying it forward.

“For a long time, I didn’t have grandchildren. Until about four months ago, these kids are my grandkids. I just love them.I love what they do to me; they just make me feel so good everyday… I’m lucky,” Ms. Paula said.

All the kids in attendance cheered Ms. Paula.

With hugs all around from her family and friends, Ms. Paula wants to make sure everyone knows her co-workers deserve all the credit for getting these kids started with a good warm breakfast in a happy, supportive and safe environment.

So to Ms. Paula and all the awesome ladies at Bride Creek Early Childhood Center, keep paying it forward, one tray, one smile, one hug at a time.

Pay it 4ward is sponsored by First Fidelity Bank.

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