Drug charges dismissed for two Enid dispensary employees, now looking for apology from law enforcement

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LOGAN CO., Okla. – Almost two months after two people were arrested and charged for illegally transporting marijuana, those charges were dropped, and now the employees and the dispensary’s owner are looking for an apology.

It happened in early June. Rebecca Hammer and Daniel Arthur said as employees for Enid dispensary The House of Cannabis, they were legally transporting medical marijuana when Logan County deputies pulled them over.

“As soon as I said medical marijuana, all they heard was marijuana and put the handcuffs on me,” Arthur said.

The two said they informed the deputies that what they were doing was legal, even tried to pull up the information on their cell phone, but the deputies weren’t convinced what they were doing was legal and arrested them.

“I was very frustrated,” Hammer said. “It’s hard telling somebody something and they’re just point blank not listening.”

District attorney Laura Thomas filed charges against the two, but earlier this week dropped those charges in court and returned the confiscated marijuana and cash.

“It’s worth about $55,000 retail, so it was quite a bit for us,” said The House of Cannabis and Infamous OG owner Travis Young. But for him, losing the product wasn’t the worst of it. “My biggest concern is just my reputation.”

They said the ordeal has lost them several customers.

Now all three are looking for an apology from the sheriff.

But Logan County Sheriff Damon Devereaux stands by his deputies, saying in a statement:

“I support my deputies decision. We made every attempt to validate they were legally transporting ‘medical’ marijuana.   Deputies even tried to contact the alleged business owner with no luck.  Anything further I would direct you to the District Attorney’s Office.”

Now Arthur and Hammer want to see more required education for law enforcement when it comes to medical marijuana laws.

“This is a big thing that`s happening in Oklahoma and law enforcement needs to learn it,” Hammer said.

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