“I saw that there was a car in my kitchen,” Homeowner awakes to find car crashed into house

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OKLAHOMA CITY – A man has been arrested for driving under the influence after he crashed into a northeast Oklahoma City home.

Around 5:30 a.m. on Wednesday, officers were called to a home near N.E. 50th and Kelley.

“I immediately called 911 when I saw that there was a car in my kitchen,” Olevia Massey told News 4.

The man behind the wheel has been identified by police as 63-year-old Lonnie Hunt.

“He tried to say it wasn’t him. He said it was some guy named Larry Jones that fled the scene, and I told him ‘That was you, I saw you in the driver’s seat when I came to the door,’” Massey said. “He appeared to me to be under the influence of something.”

Turns out, he was. Hunt was arrested for driving under the influence when officers got to the scene.

“I said ‘What in the world happened? Nothing like this happens. Most of us are older folks,” said Fred Smiley, who lives across the street.

Other neighbors told News 4 that Hunt lives in the neighborhood, has fallen asleep at the wheel in the past and crashed three cars.

“I’m just thankful that he missed me and not hit my bedroom,” Massey said.

Massey also told News 4 that she heard Hunt tell officers that he did not have insurance.

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