OKLAHOMA CITY – A southwest Oklahoma City drug house filled with heroin, meth, and prescription pills was raided on Tuesday and News 4 was on scene as five suspects tried to run from authorities. One even barricaded himself inside a safe room.
“We have had this house under investigation for several months,” Mark Woodward from the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics said.
That investigation ended at a home near Southwest 29th and Council after five people were in handcuffs.
“It was your typical drug home,” Woodward said.
Agents say it was filled with meth, heroin, prescription pills, and firearms.
The Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics were after one man in particular: Jacob Roberts.
Roberts was allegedly the ring leader of the drug ring, but putting him in handcuffs wasn’t easy.
“You could call it a safe room, even a panic room,” Woodward said.
Panicking, agents said Roberts beelined for a hiding spot and barricaded himself inside a safe room.
It was a space that wasn’t safe for long.
Authorities were trying to coax him out for more than an hour.
Just as they were bringing out the power tools to barge in, he finally surrendered.
“The neighbors were very thrilled to see us out there this morning and seeing people go to jail,” Woodward said.
The neighbors told News 4 the owner of the home is actually Robert’s grandmother.
She was also questioned on scene.
News 4 tried giving her a call and she hung up.
“It will provide some peace in that neighborhood,” Woodward said.
That peace is something the neighbors say they haven’t felt in years.
Roberts has been arrested several times in the past.
He pled guilty to driving while under the influence of drugs and carrying weapons.