Oklahoma in top 15 of hardest-working states, study says 

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OKLAHOMA CITY – A new study has put Oklahoma in the top 15 of the hardest-working states.

On Monday, WalletHub released its ‘2018’s Hardest-Working States in America.’

WalletHub says they compared the 50 states across 10 key metrics. The data set ranges from average workweek hours to share of workers with multiple jobs to annual volunteer hours per resident.

Top 15 hardest-working states in the United States 

  1. Alaska
  2. North Dakota
  3. Wyoming
  4. South Dakota
  5. Nebraska
  6. New Hampshire
  7. Texas
  8. Colorado
  9. Virginia
  10. Kansas
  11. Oklahoma
  12. Maryland
  13. Hawaii
  14. Iowa
  15. Vermont

How hard does Oklahoma work? (1=best, 25=average)

  • 6th – Average workweek hours
  • 28th – Employment rate
  • 9th – Annual volunteer hours per resident
  • 6th – Leisure time spent per day

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