True-crime show to profile gruesome Oklahoma murder, kidnapping case

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Glendon Gouker

PRAGUE, Okla. – A true-crime show is scheduled to profile a gruesome Oklahoma murder and kidnapping case.

In 2010, 19-year-old Ethan Walton was murdered inside a shed on a property in Prague.

Glendon Gouker pleaded guilty to killing him and stuffing his body in a barrel. He also said he was guilty of kidnapping and raping Walton’s girlfriend.

She was able to later escape by jumping through a window to find help at a neighbor’s home.

In 2013, Gouker was sentenced to serve life in prison without parole plus 70 years.

According to the Shawnee News-Star, on Tuesday, Oct. 24, the case will be profiled at 9 p.m. on ‘Dead Silent,’ which airs on Investigation Discovery.

The show will reportedly profile the story and the woman’s escape.

It will also include interviews with the woman, Ethan’s mother and local law enforcement.

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