NORMAN, Okla. – Police are working to put together the pieces in what they are now calling a murder. A Norman man was arrested and charged with the first degree murder of his 22-year-old daughter.
Ronald Lee McMullen made a desperate 911 Thursday June 29 at about 5:45 a.m. He told the dispatcher his daughter was shot in the face.
“Did she do it?” asked the 911 operator.
“Yes,” answered Ronald.
Emergency crews responded to the home in the 1700 block of Abe Martin Drive, and police said the shooting was suspicious from the outset.
“We’re working through those facts and those stories and some interviews are still ongoing,” said Norman Police Public Safety and Information Officer, Sarah Jensen.
According to the search warrant affidavit, Ronald had called Kailee’s mother before calling 911. When she arrived she began CPR, but it was too late.
The affidavit states her body had been moved, as had the bloody .357 revolver.
As officers tried to take photos of McMullen, the report states he “kept trying to wipe off the blood all over him with a towel.”
In fact, officers report they had to physically restrain him from wiping blood off with his hands.
The affidavit also states that a check of Norman Police Department records found a 2009 case where the Department of Human Services and Norman Public Schools reported Ronald touched Kailee inappropriately. Charges were not filed.
Police reported that in interviews with people close to Kailee, she said that in April her father slapped her on the cheek during an argument, and Kailee’s mother pointed a gun a Ronald McMullen..
Friends told investigators Kailee also said she was molested by him when she was younger, and that within the past four months, he touched her inappropriately while she pretended to be sleeping. Again, no charges were filed.