New allegations against OKC doctor accused of sexual misconduct

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OKLAHOMA CITY- There are new allegations against a doctor accused of sex crimes against patients.

In October, three women are expected to testify against Dr. John Fuller.

In March of 2014, they came forward claiming he touched them inappropriately during appointments.

A new charge of sexual battery was filed against Fuller Thursday for an alleged crime that took place more than two years ago.

Despite the allegations, the doctor has maintained his innocence.

When Fuller’s attorney, Scott Adams, learned of the new allegations he was floored.

“I was shocked and dumbfounded,” Adams said.

Fuller used to work for an Oklahoma City pain management clinic.

According to a new court document, a woman said during a physical exam the doctor “pulled out the front waistband of her sweatpants and looked inside her pants”.

Then at one point moved his hand “up over her breast/nipple and then back down to her abdomen”.

The woman said she never returned.

“It’s a typical scenario where a male doctor is treating a female and if the female is somewhat unstable, which I believe all the accusers at this point in time have their own issues that will come out during trial, but it just takes one of them to make an allegation. When that allegation becomes public then it’s just a pile on effect,” Adams claimed.

Adams believes the women are just out for money.

“There’s no question that Doctor Fuller ever did anything that was even remotely inappropriate,” Adams said.

Attorney George Brown is representing two alleged victims in a civil suit.

He says he was not surprised by the new accusations.

“It’s not something that somebody wants to come out and raise to the roof top and say I was molested, or I was assaulted sexually by anybody, and so I think it takes a lot of bravery for these people to come out,” Brown said.

Fuller’s attorney says the doctor still has his license, but is not practicing right now.

In the affidavit it says the latest alleged victim came forward after her husband told a nurse, who also worked for the Oklahoma State Medical Board, that he wanted to make a complaint.

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