Former Putnam City middle school teacher pleads guilty to lewd acts with student


Whitney Blair Fetters

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OKLAHOMA CITY – A former Putnam City middle school teacher has pleaded guilty to one felony count of indecent or lewd acts with a minor.

In Feb. 2015, the Oklahoma City Police Department issued an arrest warrant for Whitney Fetters for allegedly sending nude pictures to a 14-year-old student.

Police were alerted to the crime when the child’s parents found the pictures.

At the time, Fetters was a Spanish teacher at Hefner Middle School.

School officials say the day they learned about the investigation was Fetters’ last day on campus.

According to NewsOK, on Monday, Fetters pleaded guilty to one felony count of indecent or lewd acts with a minor and accepted a plea deal.

As part of the deal, Fetters received 20 years of probation except for the first 4 1/2 months in the Oklahoma County Jail.

She also has to pay $1,680 in restitution to the boy’s family.


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