Former Oklahoma City police officer convicted of sex crimes disappears from prison database


The jury recommended Daniel Holtzclaw be sentenced to 263 years in prison for his crimes.

This is an archived article and the information in the article may be outdated. Please look at the time stamp on the story to see when it was last updated.

OKLAHOMA CITY- Daniel Holtzclaw has disappeared from the Oklahoma Department of Corrections website.

The former Oklahoma City Police officer was convicted of raping women while on duty. He was sentenced to 263 Years in prison.
The website, which shows criminal convictions, mug shots and where inmates are incarcerated, has deleted Holtzclaw.

When asked where Holtzclaw is located, Oklahoma Department of Corrections Spokesperson Terri Watkins would only say, “We are not going to comment, it is a matter of security.”

KFOR inquired if Holtzclaw is still in custody and Watkins assured us he is.

Alex Gerszewsk told KFOR Anchor/Reporter Ali Meyer, “ He was processed at Lexington exactly as every other offender. Currently, we cannot reveal his location for security; the security of the inmate and the facility.”

This was the Department of Corrections’ website on Tuesday:

Oklahoma Department of Corrections website


We also contacted attorneys for Holtzclaw’s victims and, to their knowledge, none of the victims had been notified of a change in his status.

This is the Department of Corrections website on Friday:

holtzclaw, a website designed to keep crime victims informed of the whereabouts of convicted felons, holds no clue to Holtzclaw’s location.

VINE website

Later on, Tuesday afternoon this is what showed up in a search


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