Tweet meant to be joke becomes sad reality after country singer reported missing, friend found dead

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KAY COUNTY, Okla. – A tweet that was meant to be a joke has become a sad reality for two men who were hunting in Oklahoma.

According to the Oklahoma Highway Patrol, troopers began searching for 29-year-old Craig Strickland and 22-year-old Chase Morland after the pair did not return from a duck hunting trip on Kaw Lake.

Just off the shores of Kaw Lake, lead singer of Backroad Anthem Craig Strickland and his good friend Chase Morland hit the water and vanished.

Authorities found nothing but a capsized boat.

Family and friends turned to social media, where they found a chilling tweet from Morland.

“In case we don’t come back, @BackroadCRAIG and I are going right through Winter Storm Goliath to kill ducks in Oklahoma. #IntoTheStorm,” Morland’s tweet read.

Morland’s body was found Monday afternoon by OHP.

Officials say Strickland is still missing.

The two hunters had taken a family dog with them, which was found alive.

Friends and family members are filling their social media pages with words of hope.

OHP says they will pick up the search again Tuesday morning.



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