New license plates honor Oklahoma history

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OKLAHOMA CITY — Oklahoma is coming out with new license plates.

The new plates will celebrate the Sooner State’s first flag and its official motto: “Labor Omnia Vincit.”

The motto translates to “Work conquers all.”

The first flag was created in 1911 and consisted of a white star in the middle of a red field. The star was outlined in blue and had a blue “46” in the middle – significant of Oklahoma being the 46th state.

State Rep. Joe Dorman (D-Rush Springs) originally sponsored the legislation to create the 46-star flag plate.

Dorman told Red Dirt Report he was looking forward to ordering one for his vehicle.

“I think it will be a very striking plate,” Dorman said. “They did a great job with the design. A simplistic style of the original state flag. A lot of people rallied behind that design.”

The new plates will be available Nov. 1.

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