These emotional musical tributes are still powerful 20 years after Oklahoma City bombing

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For some, hearing Live’s ‘Lightning Crashes’ still brings the emotion from 20 years ago rushing back.

In the days following the bombing, the people of Oklahoma mourned the loss of so many in different ways.

DJ’s from one local radio station put their skills to work and made an emotional tribute that eventually hit the airwaves all over the country.

The edited song, woven together with audio clips from news reports and interviews following the blast, is still a tearjerker for listeners 20 years later.

“It took days for me to even leave my house. I just held my kids,” said one woman on YouTube. “The FIRST time I was able to CRY about it all was when KATT played this song.”

Others remember being as far away as New Jersey and being haunted by the emotional tribute.

“I was in NJ and heard it on the radio. I have been searching for it ever since,” another man commented.

And another musical tribute is being revisited as the 20th anniversary approaches.

Garth Brook’s video for the song ‘The Change’ featured video of scenes from the emotional aftermath of the bombing.

A Facebook fan page called Garth Brooks Believers posted the video Friday night, saying, “Time flies, but never mends.”

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