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ALEXANDRIA, La. – Authorities in Louisiana may have solved a cold case, thanks to the help of the alleged murderer’s children.
In 2011, 22-year-old Victoria Perez was 8 months pregnant when she disappeared after a doctor’s appointment.
After nearly four years, her remains were found.
Officials say Perez’s bones were found in the front yard of the woman arrested earlier this week for her disappearance.
Pamela Causey-Fregia has been charged with Perez’s and her unborn baby’s murder.
According to KALB, the break in the case comes after Causey-Fregia’s own children turned her in to the police.
“It’s a cold case that some closure has been brought,” said Sheriff William Earl Hilton with the Rapides Parish Sheriff’s Office. “But, it’s a horrible case.”
Investigators say around 2010, Pamela Causey-Fregia’s husband left her and moved to Texas.
Around the time she would have been at term, investigators say she came up with a plot to get a baby of her own.
“She traveled to Rapides Women and Children’s Hospital with her youngest daughter looking to find a child,” said Sheriff Hebert. “She found Perez who was 8 months pregnant. She knew her to be from Oakdale. She lured her to a residence in Oakdale under the premise of giving her baby clothes.”
That’s when Sheriff Hebert says Causey-Fregia killed Perez with blunt force, allegedly attempted to take the baby, failed, and then burned her body over several days before burying her in her front yard.
Causey-Fregia is charged with First Degree Murder and First Degree Feticide.
The local sheriff’s office says the murders meet the criteria for the death penalty, but that will be up to the district attorney to decide.
Causey-Fregia’s children have been placed in state care.
Read more on the story at KALB.