Couple’s efforts to conserve during drought landed them in hot water

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GLENDORA, Calif. – A California couple says they were trying to do their part to conserve water during the drought that is plaguing their state.

However, their efforts have landed them in hot water.

According to the San Gabriel Valley Tribune, Laura Whitney-Korte and her husband decided to take small steps to conserve water.

They say they turn the faucet off while they are brushing their teeth and reduced watering their lawn to two times a week.

The couple received a letter from Glendora’s code enforcement team, saying their brown lawn could be a “potential public nuisance problem.”

If they don’t keep their lawn green, they could face a $100 to $500 fine.

The city says it is concerned about water use but does not want brown yards to affect property values in the area.

Gov. Jerry Brown has asked residents to reduce their water consumption by about 20 percent since California is in its third year of record low rainfall.

To enforce that, the State Water Resources Control Board is handing out $500 fines to residents who are overwatering their yards.

Click here to read the full story from the San Gabriel Valley Tribune.

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