NewsChannel 4’s anniversary Party; Celebrating 65 years

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OKLAHOMA CITY – If you go by Channel 4 today you’re  going to get an eyeful.

From a big balloon, to Bob Moore Chopper Four, you’ll see all the signs of a big day.

We are celebrating our 65th anniversary of our station.

There were so many familiar faces around the station today.

Jim Williams, who did the weather here for decades, said, “I enjoy coming here. I reminisce  and then I can go home and enjoy the tv

He says he is still loyal.

Williams said, “Believe it or not I watch Channel 4. That Mike Morgan is the only one that has his act together.”

There’s nothing like seeing Oklahoma TV legends talking with each other.

Walking down memory lane which is sometimes bittersweet.  F

Former General Manager Lee Allen Smith said, “I miss those that aren’t here. That we’ve lost and there have have been quite a few of them as you know. Danny Williams, Bill Thrash, Bob Barry many, many others, Brad Edwards,  but they’re great memories to have and hold onto.”

Some, like Bella Shaw, an anchor from the 70’s and 80’s, came from afar.

Shaw said, “I miss Oklahoma and I miss people. I live in Los Angeles now,  and when i was on the plane going here everyone was buzzing and talking like they’ve known each other. You don’t find that in Los Angeles.  You really miss the people.”

Remember the Wallace Wildlife Show?   Well,  Don is  still fishing.  He leaves tomorrow at 3 a.m. for Canada.

From management, to news, to entertainment, there is a slice of proud history at every turn.

Many still remember their lines.

“This is Don Wallace. Good luck, good hunting and good fishing.”


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