Man’s work of art inspires others to Thunder up


Via Charles Lloyd

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OKLAHOMA CITY – A 57-year-old Oklahoma resident who is “crazy” about the Oklahoma City Thunder spent hours working on something he felt showed his support and love for the game.

Charles Lloyd, a south Oklahoma City resident, fell in love with sports when he was a young boy.

It all started about 25 years ago when Charles frequently participated in golf.

Charles admired the beauty of the courses that surrounded him while he played the game.

“I would see a lot of well kept golf courses,” said Charles.

After years of golfing, Charles felt inspired to bring the beauty of the courses to his home.

After weeks of preparation, Charles decided to make his backyard into a golf practice area.

“It now has a lot of hills and berms in it. There are way too many to use a regular push mower on it. So, I’ve become very good with a weed-eater,” Charles said.

“One time I was mowing my cousins rosemary back yard and I decided to cut out the word “rose” with the weed eater before cutting the rest of the grass.”

After practicing with a weed eater in different yards, Charles gained confidence with his weed-eating skills.

“I started cutting an OU football logo each season in the fall,” Charles said.

When Oklahoma City decided to bring in a professional basketball team Charles started supporting

“Two years ago, when Thunder went to the finals the next morning after the Western Conference win, I did a similar logo on a minutes notice. People went crazy about it.”

A neighbor of Charles approached him in a store and told him that his yard made Facebook again. Charles was shocked.

“It shook me a bit,” said Charles.

This year, Charles decided to get started on his “yard art” a bit sooner.

Charles spent hours getting everything ready for his masterpiece.

“It took me about five hours to lay it out. It took another four hours on top of that to cut the grass. It takes about six hours to paint, and about 20 cans of spray,” Charles added.

Charles not only loves showing his support for the team, he loves what good it brings.

“I meet a lot of nice people because of it. That makes it worth it to me.”

In the end, Charles Lloyd not only loves supporting his teams, he loves meeting and bringing smiles to others.

Watch Andrew Donley’s package about Charles:

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