Oklahoma lawmakers file bill to create Donald Trump highway

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OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) – Two Republican state senators have written a bill to rename a portion of the world-renowned Route 66 highway in Northeastern Oklahoma to the President Donald J. Trump Highway.

Sens. Nathan Dahm of Broken Arrow and Marty Quinn of Claremore announced Tuesday their plans to introduce the bill.

The bill would rename a roughly 13-mile stretch of Route 66 from the town of Miami (my-AM’-uh) extending north and east through the town of Commerce to Industrial Parkway in Ottawa County.

The lawmakers say the bill will direct that no taxpayer money be used to pay for signage. Instead, they say the Senate and House authors and co-authors will be required to provide the money needed for the cost of the signs.

The Oklahoma Route 66 Association posted to social media saying “calling the road anything other than Historic Route 66 adds confusion and dilutes the uniquely American experience that the highway represents.”

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