Tulsa’s mayor proposes $100K for 1921 race riot graves probe

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TULSA, Okla. – The mayor of Tulsa is including $100,000 in his upcoming budget for investigations of three grave sites that could hold the remains of people killed in the 1921 race riots.

Up to 300 people are estimated to have been killed on Tulsa’s Black Wall Street in one of the worst race-related massacres in U.S. history.

The Tulsa World reports that Mayor G.T. Bynum says the money would fund the first stage of the project to re-examine the sites at Oaklawn Cemetery, Rolling Oaks Memorial Gardens and property near Newblock Park.

The city hasn’t said when the investigations will begin.

The plan will be presented at a future town hall meeting.

Bynum declared in October that the city would re-examine the sites.

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