Using a slider you can view before and after satellite images of the area affected by the Moore, Oklahoma tornado of May 2013.

The images come from a new map Google Crisis Response has released detailing damage from the Moore, Oklahoma tornado.

We’ve highlighted some of of the affected areas more directly in the maps below;  just slide the bar from side-to-side to see before and after photos.

Note:  the images below are screenshots from the Google Crisis Response map;  for an interactive version, click here.

Google has not released any similar data for the Shawnee/Carney area.

Overall View of the Area: (note: look for the path of the tornado in the middle of the screen)

Plaza Towers:

Area around Moore Medical Center:


Google says:  “Google Crisis Response seeks to make critical information more accessible around natural disasters and humanitarian crises. Google’s contributions can include: updated satellite imagery of the disaster area, charitable donations to organizations on-the-ground, outreach through Google web properties, and engineering tools, such as Google Person Finder and Landing Pages, designed to organize and coordinate critical response resources and information.”

All images courtesy Google, via
‘Before’ images: Acquired 2013-04-29 (before tornado on May 20) © CNES 2013, Distribution Astrium Services/Spot Image
‘After’ images: Captured: 5/22/2013. © Digitial Globe 2013.