Woman to be reunited with property after Guthrie woman finds it

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GUTHRIE, Okla. – What proved to be a money mystery for a Guthrie woman appears to have a happy ending after the property’s owner came forward.

Willa Kortright says she found an envelope with a “significant” amount of cash and movie tickets for a children’s movie outside the Rainbow gas station on State Highway 33 Wednesday afternoon.

“Come back out and there was this envelope that was just laying on the ground,” said Kortright. “So I just picked it up.”

Kortright, 71, says she didn’t realize what was in it at the time and almost threw it out, thinking it was trash. But when she got home, she realized that it was much more.

“I don’t just want to give it to anybody, I want the rightful owner to have it,” she said Friday evening of the cash and movie tickets for a Friday night children’s movie at a Oklahoma City metro movie theater. “Evidently what they were going to do, they’re not going to get to do, and that bothers me.”

Kortright says she contacted police about the missing property, to no avail. Then, she turned to NewsChannel 4.

Guthrie Police telling NewsChannel 4 that after we contacted the movie theater, the property owner contacted Guthrie Police.

Kortright and the owner are scheduled to meet sometime tomorrow. And, it’s worth noting, the children didn’t miss the movie after all.

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